800 Miles to Educate 800 Children

Can you help us to educate 800 children in two schools and a college in Uganda?

We depend on individual donors and sponsors to make our work possible and we need new funds to continue our work. A small group of trustees will walk 800 miles between us, starting with a ten-mile sponsored walk on Saturday 31st August from St Michael’s Church in Highgate to the Uganda High Commission in Trafalgar Square.

Two supporters have generously offered to match-fund all donations so whatever you give will double in value. We have no paid staff and none of your donations are spent on marketing or administration so 200% of what you give goes straight to help the children in Uganda. Please click below to make a donation:

Donate now

If you can manage £15 per month to pay for a child's education, click to download a sponsor form:

Download sponsor form

Help Children Get the Future They Deserve

What do we do?

Girl at Primary School

Children at Primary School

Our donors give children the education they need to escape from a cycle of poverty. We provide nursery, primary, secondary and college education and support children into their adult lives.

We work Kanungu, a rural region in Uganda where people earn far below the national average of £2 per day; most families rely on subsistence farming to survive.

Government schools do exist, but the education is low-quality, teachers are often absent on their second job and parents struggle to pay, so few children reach the end of primary school before being taken out to work on the land.

Pupils attending our schools get a high-quality education from committed teachers who are paid regularly. Parents recognise the value of the education, care and nutrition we provide and keep their children at school.

They gain the knowledge and skills needed for paid employment, they grow in self-confidence, education delays the age at which girls get pregnant and, as young adults, they can support their families and benefit the wider community.

How does it work?

Primary school computer lessons

Primary school computer lessons

Over the last twenty years, we have built a team in Uganda who believe passionately in giving their pupils the education they need. Many staff could get higher-paid and easier jobs at Government schools, but they are committed to the quality provided at Teach Uganda schools.

Our donors have given thousands of girls and boys of all faiths education from nursery right through to college, completely transforming their lives.

The exam results are among the best in the region, not because the school limits itself by teaching to the exams but because of the pupils’ engagement and staff dedication.

We focus on subjects which will be useful for their lifetime, including science and computing. It is expensive to provide the necessary library, lab equipment and laptops, but well worth it.

We love visiting Kanungu regularly because we see what a difference this work makes to people there. With your continued help, we look forward to seeing further improvements in future.

Who pays for all this?

Girl at sports day

Girl at sports day

It costs only £15 per month to educate a child and change their life. Just click the link below to download a sponsor standing order form. This provides the regular income we need to pay the teachers and run the schools:

Sponsor a child

If you can't commit to sponsoring a child, please make a one-off donation now to help us provide resources for the schools:

Credit card donation

Larger projects are funded from individual donations, links with schools and churches, legacies and organisations such as Rotary, so do get in touch if you think you could help:

Contact us to find out more

100% of your donation is spent at the schools in Uganda. None of it is spent on admin or marketing in the UK.

”Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.“ Nelson Mandella
Nelson Mandella


Children at  Primary School

Children at Primary School

Giving children a great start

It is difficult for us to imagine life without a basic education… being unable to read, write or understand numbers.

At primary level we teach this and much more, including science, geography and computing, starting boys and girls on a journey of lifelong learning.

Children at our schools achieve good grades in their P7 leavers' exams, meaning more stay in education rather than returning to help their families with subsistence farming.

More about Primary


The girls' football team

The girls' football team

Learning skills for life

Our High School builds on pupils’ knowledge, leading to ‘O’ and ‘A’ level exams based on UK standards. They need these skills to get a job, earn an income, and support their family.

They share their life skills with the wider community, for example teaching their family better health habits and crop management.

Educating girls promotes gender equality and reduces the number of early pregnancies.

The ethos and capability they develop at school give pupils confidence, empowering them to make better life choices.

More about Secondary


Site for the new college

Site for the new college

To the next level

We were delighted to open a new college in February 2024 to complete our education programme from nursery all the way to equipping the young people of Kanungu for paid employment.

The college teaches three Certificate and Diploma Courses: Business Administration, Tourism & Hotel Management and Accounting & Finance. These subjects are important locally, leading to good employment opportunities for the graduates and contributing to the fledgling economy in the region.

By the middle of March, in its second month, 144 students are already attending lectures, demonstrating our reputation and the local demand.

More about College

Why do we work in rural Uganda?

Uganda is a low-income country. Some people live in abject poverty. Families with as many as ten children are common, illiteracy is high and family planning is a work in progress. The Times, Feb 2024

A few stats about Kanungu…

Over 50%

Of people are children under 16 years old.

Only 70%

Of people are educated even to Primary level.

Only 13%

Of people are educated to Secondary Level or beyond.


Of working people’s main source of income is subsistence farming.


Average number of people per household.


Number of living siblings per household.


Number of non-living siblings per household.


Average no of children for each mother.

Source: Uganda Bureau of Statistics

View Photos of Uganda