Great Stewards High School

The High School education builds on pupils’ knowledge, leading to ‘O’ level exams based on UK standards.

Children learn the skills they will need to get a job, earn an income, and support their family.

Teaching starts broadly but, for senior pupils, specialises on subjects which help them into employment. This requires a focus on scientific knowledge which is lacking in many local schools.

Pupils share what they learn with the wider community, for example teaching their family better health habits and crop management.

The self-confidence they develop at school empowers them to make better life choices, for example reducing the number of teenage girls who get pregnant.

Only a minority of boys and girls in Uganda benefit from a secondary education. For those who do, the impact on their lives and their contribution to the community is dramatic.

Secondary school classroom

Secondary school classroom

What hit me hardest was finding that many of Loyce’s brothers and sisters did not have the opportunity to go to school, as it dawned on me the harsh reality that many parents in Uganda face; choosing which child will have a formal education… Ella Lane, visiting student
from Highgate School
I was surprised to find that the students at Great Lakes High School are learning science topics to the same level as in the UK. Visiting ”A” level student
from Highgate School

News from the High School

Trustees visit the High School every year to monitor progress, inspect current projects and plan how to meet future needs. All visits are self-funded to ensure that all your sponsorships and donations are spent on educating children. Here is the latest news:

Science practicals

Working in the lab

Working in the lab

The High School follows the British 'A Level' syllabus. Their science programme gives pupils a level of understanding of the world which goes far beyond the education they would get at other local schools.

As well as giving them the best chance of getting good employment, it will enable them, as young adults, to make a real contribution to developing the wider community.

Providing equipment and reagents for the science laboratories is expensive but such good value.


July 2024

Cleaning the school grounds

Clearing plastic from the school

Clearing plastic from the school

Pupils showed their pride in the new site by creating a working party to clear plastic rubbish from their grounds.

It is great that young people learn to love their environment because there is no rubbish collection in rural Uganda and some people discard plastic carelessly. Hopefully their parents will follow their example.


February 2024

School opens at new site

Opening on the new site

Opening on the new site

The high school has opened at a new site near Kihihi town. We are lucky to be able to take over an existing school which dwindled during covid closures.

The school is an ideal site although some refurbishment is required. It has good-sized classrooms, a hall, a library and a small playing field.

The school is walking distance for the local community, so parents are confident that their children are can travel safely. We will therefore focus on day pupils rather than boarders.

There is a great need for a school here as the nearest secondary school is 8kms away. We already have 115 246 pupils on the roll so are close to capacity at 250.


November 2023

Science teaching

Science equipment

Science equipment

The high school at its new site already has a well-equipped science lab which will help us continue our ethos of teaching science subjects which are so important in young people getting jobs and changing the economy of their region.

It is much nearer to the town so mains water and electricity is available. This makes science teaching much easier (as well as cooking and cleaning!)

It may be possible to equip a new computer lab with an internet connection if a donor can help.


November 2023

Life stories

Duncan Muhereza

Duncan Muhereza

Duncan, a former pupil at Great Lakes High School, has published a book «Making Right Choices».

He was one of the first pupils, joining the school in 2008 when it only offered “O” levels, so he completed his schooling at San Gionvanni Secondary School and then graduated in environmental science at Makerere University.

He lives with his aunt and financially supports his brother (having to sell his motorcycle to pay towards his brother’s education). He is setting up a local project to support unemployed young people to set up enterprises.

Sponsors and Donors

A big thank you!

All this has been made possible by the generosity of the sponsors, who pay for the monthly running costs, and donors, who pay for the individual small and large projects which create this wonderful school.

Thank you to everybody who has contributed, including:

  • Highgate School, London
  • Hull Collegiate School, Hull
  • Felsted School, Essex
  • Rotary club of Holderness
  • Rotary club of Hull
  • And many individual sponsors & donors

Current needs

If you are able to make a donation, we will use it to meet some of the most urgent needs, including:

  • Hardship fund: extra financial support for the 40 children at the school who have lost both parents and have no extended family able to support them.
  • Renovation: funds are needed to improve the current infrastructure so it can be used most effectively
  • Internet: we need a donor who could fund some computer equipment and/or make regular payments for an internet connection

If you or your organisation could help, please do get in touch:

Contact us

How can I help?

Our main funding comes from sponsors who pay £15 each month per pupil. 120 children currently have no sponsor.

The families also make a contribution. There is a “hardship fund” for 40 children, mostly orphans, who pay no fees.

For just £15 per month, you can ensure a child gains an education.

We will send you regular newsletters and, once a year, a letter from your sponsored child with their photo…so you can see what a difference you are making.

100% of your sponsorship & donations go to the schools, none of it is spent on UK marketing or admin.

Click here to download your sponsorship form:

Sponsor a child